Made by ANB3****


Hello Hero Players, I dared to do this unfinished guide to answer the constant question of the new divines player (me included) about the DIVINE SKILL TREE. Then hope your help to complete this guide on the skill points required for each skill.

Thanks in advance



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Lets start:

As you can see the skills of the divines characters are different than the normal skill under the lvl 101, now looks like a tree with their branches.

Those skill book you can buy from the Bookstore NPC at SF (Streamflow)[for Shaos] or at SS (Softshoulder) [for Zhuangs] or from a scam store at CM xD

Normally people use only 3 books (1 for the weapon, 1 for the job, and 1 for the emperials of the weapon choose)

Bookstore NPC

Book names:

* Great Sky Skill Book [Sword] [8.5M]
* Cloud Dragon Skill Book [Rod] [7.8M]
* Evil Conqueror Skill Book [Bow] [4.3M]
* Heavens Seal Skill Book [Guantlet] [3.9M]
* Sky Pierce Skill Book [Throwing][4.4M]
* Full Sky Skill Book [Axe] [6.7M]
* Destructive Melody Skill Book [Pentachord] [7.4M]
* Thunders Rumble Skill Book [Dual-Wiekder] [6.9M]

* NAME [Weapon Required] [NPC Cost]

Divine Skill Tree


* Energy Shield
* 1 Skill LVL 25 or 40
* 1 Skill LVL 40
* 1 Master Skill LVL 60
* 1 Divine Skill LVL 75

Male Bow-Sword

Female Throwing-Sword

Male Axe-rod

Female Spear-Guantlet

Female Penta-Dual


Attach Branch
Replace the * for the name of the weapon

[* Ki]
[* Power]
[Emperial *]
[Poisonous Emperial *]
[Toxic Emperial *]
[*-Body Union]

Defense Branch
Replace the * for the name of the weapon

[* Ki]
[* Power]
[* Shield]
[Self-Defense *]
[Golden * Shield]
[Golden Armor]

BTW: All pictures are edited some SKILL ICONS no body have opened already.

====Skill Points Needed to Max those skills====


Energy Shield

Practice Amount:__ 1 2 3

Skill Point Required: 1 1 1
@ Practice Amount: 3
Duration:_____ 76.4 sec
Chi consumed : 338

Skill LVL 25/40

Practice Amount:__ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Skill Point Required: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
@ Practice Amount: 11
Chi consumed : 97

Skill LVL 40

Practice Amount:__ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Skill Point Required: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
@ Practice Amount: 3
Chi consumed : 250

Master Skill

Practice Amount:__ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Skill Point Required: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
@ Practice Amount: 7
Chi consumed : 456

Divine Skill

Practice Amount:__ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Skill Point Required: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
@ Practice Amount: 7
Chi consumed : 337



Replace the * for the name of your weapon

====== 3rd JOB SKILLS ======

As everyone knows when you reach the lvl 101 you are able to get the 3rd promotion job, and those are:

Warrior >> Warlord
Hunter >> Beastlord
Surgeon >> Holyhand
Assassin >> Shadownlord

And each job have their specific skills also their passive skills, here a quote from a good player had posted before.

MAKV**** wrote:
** All Skills and Passives shown here have max points invested into them with about 700 Int invested.
Only the new skills that are currently implemented will be listed.


Skill (Buff)- Transforming Power: Duration 900 Seconds, Attack Damage 590-593, Defense 361

Passive- Max HP +284, HP Recovery 54 o/o


Skill (Buff)- Heavenly Crane Wall: Duration 1800 Seconds, Defense 695

Passive- Defense +72

** Do not put points into Tolerating Soul it does not currently do anything.


Skill (Buff)- Piercing Blow: Duration 1800 Seconds, Skill Defense 230,
Continuous HP Cure 700

Skill- Healing Hermit: HP Heal 3361-3376 (This skill currently has a uneccesarily long cool down trying to get it changed)

Passive- Paralysis Def 16, HP Recovery 81 o/o, Max Chi +293, Skill Def +36


Skill (Buff)- Swiftness: Duration 1800 Seconds, Accuracy 130, Dodge Rate 200, Running Speed 5.0

Skill- Disguise of Darkness: Stealth Ability 240 (Trying to get this cooldown slightly adjusted as well,
might not happen though because if you pump this skill book with 10 A.M. the cool down isnt that long.)

Passive- Min Damage +15 Max Damage +17, Accuracy +72, Dodge Rate 111

This ever post by GM. Hope it can help

****Here a Divine Skill Tree from a Beastlord ****

3rd Job Skills

3rd Job Mining Skills

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